Steady as she goes for business association

Steady as she goes for business association

The Yarra River Business Association held its annual general meeting (AGM) on October 10, announcing no major changes to the executive committee.

There were two changes to the committee with the inclusion of Bobby Stephens from Chill On Ice Lounge and Cassandra Geneopoulos from South Wharf Promenade’s Plenary Group.

Moving on are Persia Hill from Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre and Nicole Smith from Chill On Ice Lounge.

The membership of the group grew significantly last year thanks in part to a new partnership with Crown Casino, which included 25 of its businesses becoming members.

Executive officer Tim Bracher told the meeting the group would continue to lobby for improved governance of the river, an activity that often went unnoticed.

“We’re going in really hard for better governance on the Yarra River. At the moment the private sector looks at the river and says we’re not touching that with a barge pole, we’ll take our money to Sydney or Brisbane. We’re working hard to change those attitudes,” Mr Bracher said.

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