SRG welcomes fresh faces

SRG welcomes fresh faces

The Southbank Residents’ Group (SRG) has a new president and committee after its annual general meeting (AGM) in December.

Mabel Vargas has been a resident of Southbank for seven years and steps up as president and former acting president Joe Bagnara becomes her vice-president. Mary-Jo Lynch is the group’s new secretary while Marjorie Secomb remains treasurer.

Ms Vargas is thrilled to be taking on the role, saying she fell in love with Southbank as soon as she moved in.

“It was definitely love at first sight,” she said, adding: “We’re very lucky here to be so close to the city. I work in the city and the walk home is just beautiful, all year round.”

Ms Vargas said she and the new team were excited about their role in the community and were ready to address the issues residents faced living in such a unique suburb.

“The main issue for me is to have a sustainable Southbank,” Ms Vargas said.

“The community needs to be underpinned with the right infrastructure to ensure it can handle the number of residents living here,” she added.

Newly-elected secretary Mary-Jo Lynch shared the enthusiasm, outlining the importance of a group such as the SRG in any suburb.

“The group is the perfect forum for our community. It gives our residents an important voice,” Ms Lynch said.

“A group like this can bring voices from separate buildings together, giving common issues much more voice than they would have from separate owners corporations,” she added.

Ms Lynch too loves the area and says the accessibility makes it a great place to live. She says however there is plenty of work to be done through the Southbank Residents’ Group.

“For example, there is the issue of not having a local school. It is not just for the parents and children missing out on the facility but it would also double as a community space,” Ms Lynch says.

Outgoing president Joe Bagnara is excited about the future of the SRG and is staying on as vice-president to help ensure a smooth transition for the new leaders.

“I’m very pleased people of Mabel and Mary-Jo’s age and ability have shown such great interest in the Southbank Residents’ Group. It means the important role we play in the area can continue into the future,” Mr Bagnara said.

In an attempt to grow the awareness of the group, a focus is now to set up a general committee within the group, to help involve as many residents as possible in the community issues they will be addressing.

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