Southbank the focus of AFP investigation

Southbank the focus of AFP investigation

Southbank was at the centre of a major federal police operation last month, when Operation Kitrino closed in on a syndicate, allegedly profiting from the illegal management of sex workers.

Assets were seized from an apartment in Southbank.

The sting was part of a collaborative investigation between Victoria Police and the Australian Federal Police (AFP).

Three Southbank residents were charged.

A 38-year-old woman was charged with dealing in proceeds of crime while a 56-year-old woman and a 25-year-old man was charged with aiding and abetting proceeds of crime.

Two others were also arrested as part of the raids.

The five are accused of illegally managing sex workers through four licensed Melbourne brothels, none of which are in Southbank.

AFP Co-ordinator Crime Operations, Ian Bate, said the operation had been a success.

“The cooperation and close working relationship between the AFP and its partner agencies such as Victoria Police and Department of Immigration and Citizenship has been vital to the disruption of this complex syndicate,” Detective Bate said.

“These arrests are signification disruption to this syndicate which police will continue to target and investigate,” he added.

The AFP said the investigation was on-going and would not rule out further charges being laid.

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