Southbank safety blackspot

Southbank safety blackspot
Sean Car

A safety audit conducted by Victoria Police has identified two CCTV black spots in Southbank.

The City of Melbourne has been offered $250,000 from the State Government to install security cameras in a number of black spots around the city, which it is yet to accept.

A spokesperson for the council confirmed that the audit recommended that two new cameras be placed at sites between St Kilda Road and Southbank Boulevard.

However, the spokesperson said there was “nothing before council at the moment” and, consequently, no action would be taken until the council decided whether to accept the funding.

Despite Lord Mayor Robert Doyle pledging to install numerous security cameras throughout the city during last year’s election campaign, the council remains divided on the issue.

Victoria Police spokesperson Natalie Webster said police would further advise council once the funding was issued.

“When there are funds allocated for this type of infrastructure, councils seek advice from Victoria Police as to where they believe the CCTV cameras would be best placed,” she said.

Ms Webster said that CCTV systems were useful for a number of purposes.

“Video systems benefit police investigations and are particularly useful for evidentiary purposes,” she said.

“The release of CCTV footage to the public also greatly assists police in identifying offenders and locating witnesses to crime.”

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