Southbank Residents Group

Southbank Residents Group
Tony Penna

Our recently held AGM was a great event with a good number of residents getting involved and showing their support.

We were delighted to be graced with the presence of our local MP Martin Foley to answer a few questions and provide further details about what is happening in our electorate. We have an expanded committee this year so I am looking forward to increasing our presence and lobbying of council and State Government. Welcome to our new committee members.

Despite some issues with the wind, The UpMarket design and gourmet produce market is pushing on and will continue to make Southbank its home for the first and third Saturdays in between the ACCA/Malthouse Theatre forecourts.

This market has been a great success to date and a very welcome addition to the Southbank landscape. Southbank Residents Group is there with a small display to talk to our local residents. Show your support for this market and pop-on down and say hello.

On a more important note, the Member for Melbourne, Ellen Sandell from the Greens has launched a petition seeking signatures to demand the Premier introduce legislation banning developer donations to political parties/campaigns.

NSW has successfully introduced this and so why shouldn’t Victoria? As you are aware that councillors have been unable to debate planning applications, which affect our very livability, on numerous occasions because they are conflicted?

Councillors and parliamentarians should not allow themselves to become conflicted and thereby unable to represent the very people that elected them.

Of course, if a developer is giving a donation, then they are no doubt expecting something favourable in return. If you also feel strongly about this then can I suggest you sign the online petition at or go to our Facebook page and you will see the link there in a recent post.

Tony Penna

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