Southbank Residents Group

Southbank Residents Group
Tony Penna

So spring is upon us and the most exciting news to welcome in spring was the surprise announcement by the Planning Minister of Planning Scheme Amendment C262.

Essentially C262 is putting some commonsense back into planning. This amendment will no longer allow the massive developments we have seen in the past unless the development is giving something back to the community and in return for more height. It will only affect new applications.

Melbourne City Council will also have a greater say. We have been arguing this for some time now.

Also of great news is the release of the draft master plan for the City Rd development. I have read the plan and it is very thorough. I am very pleased with the outcome.

Leanne Hodyl and her team have done a remarkable job and I would like to thank them for their efforts with this document. The next stage is further public consultation on this draft master plan. This will commence in the very near future.

You may not be aware, but we have a Men’s Shed which services the Southbank precinct.

I attended their official opening on September 7. It is great to see this local community right on our door step at Federation Square. They tell me their membership is not restricted to men. So if you’re needing a space to tinker, then please pay them a visit.

The inaugural Upmarket produce and design hub on the forecourt of ACCA was a resounding success. The Minister for Creative Victoria, our local member Martin Foley, and I were honoured to open this initiative.

SRG has been a strong advocate for this market since the outset. It will be operating on the first and third Saturdays of the month. SRG has a small stand at this market.

Come on over and support this initiative and say hi to me and/or a member of the committee while you are visiting. I am confident you will not be disappointed.

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Tony Penna

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