Southbank Residents Group

Southbank Residents Group
Tony Penna

Well, as usual, time did not stand still over the summer holiday break (but has there been a summer?) and then we are straight back into the swing of things with submissions being made at the first Future Melbourne Committee meeting last week against two more towers that are excessively over the discretionary height limit and lacked setbacks.

These will be a test for the new Planning Minister, Richard Wynne, for us to see where this new government stands on such developments – watch this space. Richard is returning to work after suffering a heart attack in the week after the election. We wish him the very best with his recovery.

One thing I particularly wanted to write about in one of my columns, but for most of last year wasn’t able to get a chance owing to all the happenings in Southbank, is the need for a good, committed and dedicated committee of management to operate and maintain the towers in which we live or have invested.

I often hear of people complaining about what is not happening in their tower or what could/should have been done. I say to those people, and I encourage all property owners, to get involved with your building, attend an AGM and nominate for a committee position.

Have a say with the decisions that are made for your tower. So often towers have under-resourced committees through lack of manpower and as a result, detail and attention is missed leaving a tower with a next-best solution.

Naturally, of course, if your committee has appointed a good building management company with a good manager assigned then they will pick up a good part of that slack and manage most of the doings.

Being on a committee often doesn’t take a lot of effort or time. Most roles are generally decision-making and oversighting in nature.

Upon entering a building it is often obvious if the tower has a good and pro-active committee or not. Be proud of your investment, and in many cases where you also reside, and become active and have a say!

On another note, it is with great sadness that Southbank has lost its monthly farmers market. From my observations and discussions with residents the market initiative was welcomed by many and just began to get a loyal following.

Maybe on completion of the building works the market will be able to return. At these I enjoyed the many conversations I had with our residents and hearing their concerns with our neighbourhood.

This time of year there is lots of movement in and out of our neighbourhood from people finishing or just commencing their studies, or employment etc.  If this is you, then I welcome you to Southbank.

May your experience be rewarding and everything you would hope it to be. If you see me around, please say hi or if you have any questions please make contact.

We would be most grateful if you would consider becoming a member. It is only $10. Please visit our website and sign up there or to find our contact details. Oh and don’t forget to like us on Facebook (SouthbankResidents).

If you haven’t visited any of the SummerSalt events, I encourage you to take a look. We are so blessed to have such a festival in our backyard. Make the most of it.

Tony Penna - President

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