Southbank Residents Group

Southbank Residents Group

It’s certainly been an incredibly busy year for the SRG representing and advocating for better outcomes for our suburb.

A year in summary

Just some of the things we’ve been actively working on over the last 12 months:

Arranged and chaired the Metropolitan Planning Strategy community forum for the capital city zone – over 100 residents from Docklands, Southbank and the CBD attended this important planning forum;

Working with local body corporates and lobbying Council and State Government on the Australia 108 planning proposal;

Lobbying and meeting with the Minister for Planning, Matthew Guy, on the importance of tower separation in Southbank;

Working with Council on revising important planning clauses in the Southbank Structure Plan before its final submission to the Minister;

Taking a look at planning best practices in Singapore, Shanghai and Hong Kong government planning offices and incorporating best practice into local planning submissions;

Attending the Council Road Safety Forum to discuss safety improvements across the capital city;

Meeting and building positive relationships with the newly elected Council;

Attending and presenting at multiple Council meetings on various planning issues impacting Southbank;

Working with the umbrella resident group, Planning Backlash, on advocating for changes to planning schemes;

Providing a submission against the VCAT levy increases;

Representing Southbank at the formation of the Melbourne Men’s Shed committee; and

Many radio, newspaper and TV interview appearances advocating for positive changes to planning schemes in Southbank.

Wow! What a rollercoaster ride it’s been. And throughout it all we’ve been incredibly grateful for your support of our efforts.

AGM and new President/Vice President

In the next issue of the Southbank Local News we will announce our Annual General Meeting date. It’s an opportunity to hear in more detail about the activities we’ve undertaken over the course of the last year and also a time to look forward to the year ahead.

And talking about the AGM, it’s with regret that Barry and I both announce we’ll be standing down from our roles at the SRG. Increasing working commitments are now making it difficult to do the SRG roles justice, so we are looking for passionate residents of Southbank who are interested in taking over the reins. If you, or someone you know, may be

interested in becoming the next President or Vice President of the SRG, please send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll get in touch to discuss the roles in further detail.


In order to hold a position with the SRG, or to vote in President/Vice President elections, you must be a registered member. Individual memberships are only $10 p.a. and membership for owners corporations are either $350 p.a. or $550 p.a., depending on the number of apartments in the building. To become a member or to renew, simply visit

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