An exciting year ahead


An exciting year ahead At the end of last month, Southbank Residents’ Association (SRA) held its annual general meeting (AGM) at the Malthouse Theatre. It was well attended by our members and also some interested non-members from the wider community. We were delighted to have Creative Victoria as guest speakers to provide us with a first-hand overview of the proposed Arts Precinct upgrade. The team was well received by the audience and informative. Thank you to Martin Foley (Minister for Arts, our local member for Albert Park) for putting us in contact with the team. I hear you ask “why is the year ahead going to be exciting?” Well, that’s because we received 12 nominations for our new committee at the AGM! This will be the largest committee we have had in my six years as president and will allow for more people to focus on a number of improvements and projects over the next year. Our biggest project will be a Southbank “Expo” which we are hoping to hold later this year. The vision is to invite every organisation and business in Southbank to join us for a community day. We will also be launching a book on our 20-year history, researched and compiled by a passionate Southbank resident and ex-SRA committee member, Lynne Lumsden. We extended life membership to Lynne at our AGM for her tremendous efforts. It really was a mammoth task. We anticipate an update to our website and streamlining our membership processes. Finally, and most exciting, is the development of an app to connect our community in a way it has never been connected before. As you can see, there is certainly a lot planned, and this will certainly need the efforts of our entire committee. You will hear about these initiatives in further detail as they evolve. Lord Mayor Sally Capp has taken a keen interest in Southbank since her success in being elected and she engages with SRA frequently. Sally will be attending our first committee meeting early this month to meet our new committee and hear first-hand the plans of our committee for the next year. We are delighted to be able to engage with the Lord Mayor in such a personal capacity. It is also pleasing to hear Sally has decided to relocate to Docklands and actually live in the municipality. Sadly, only a small number of our councillors live in the municipality. I think this is a travesty to the community. I am confident Sally will be pleased with her decision, but of course Southbank would have been a better choice! Finally, SRA would like to extend its congratulations to Sean Car, the editor and now owner of this newspaper. Sean has represented Southbank well over the past five years as editor and we can think of no better person to take ownership of this newspaper. We would also like to wish Shane Scanlan all the best with his retirement and thank him for providing this newspaper as a conduit for our residents to connect and keep abreast of what is happening in our community. We certainly look forward to continuing to work closely with Sean with telling the monthly Southbank story. If you are keen to support our organisation, want to know more about what we do or keen to become a member please visit our website  

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