What a month October was

What a month October was

SRA held three events and there was a local government election in the middle of it all!

You may know by now that I wasn’t elected onto council but I would sincerely like to thank members of the community – and businesses – who got behind me and our team and showed their support in a multitude of ways.

I’m grateful to you all.

We were able to successfully deprive Team Doyle of a majority and, by doing so, I’m confident our council will be more inclusive and I’m looking forward to working with them all.

In collaboration with Boyd, we held another trivia night and it was another great night.

We would like to thank each of the local businesses that provided prizes: Soprano’s Restaurant and Pizza Bar ($400 of vouchers), Downstairs Bistro and Lounge ($250 in vouchers), Just In Time (group training session $130), Script Bar and Bistro and Blondie ($100 voucher), ABR (several tote bags containing books and magazines) and Kere Kere (coffee vouchers).

Watch out for the next trivia night as we would love to see you there.

The biggest event of the month by far was our Meet the Candidates event.

There was great interest from the community in what the candidates had to offer.

Everyone I spoke to found the night informative and were grateful SRA was able to bring all the candidates together.

Finally, our AGM went well and we must have been doing something right over the past year as we received 12 nominations to join our committee.

This is probably the largest committee in the 18 years of SRA and is made up of the following volunteers: Tracey Allen (secretary), Lucinda Darby, Peter Harkin, Richard Keyte (treasurer), Lynne Lumsden, Dan O’Keeffe, Sam Rae, Joe Sarraf, Melvin Yuan and myself (president).

We’re all looking forward to another action packed year ahead.

More positive news is that the fight for Boyd park isn’t over yet.

I recently made a submission to a council committee on the sale of the land – naturally objecting – but particularly drawing on alleged fraudulent documents being produced by the financiers.

It would seem that Cairo Melbourne may not have the surety of finance that was thought.

If that’s true and the sale proceeds with Cairo Melbourne, the community could be left at square one, waiting years before the project even starts, thereby depriving the community of any park amenity included with the development.

We also launched our new website last month, so please visit www.southbankresidents.org.au or become a member and get the latest news delivered to your inbox.

Please also consider following us on Facebook SouthbankResidentsAssociation

Until next month, hopefully we will all be able to enjoy some warm spring weather.


Tony Penna - President

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