Apartment living


We each have a role to play when it comes to making our homes, workplaces and neighbourhoods safer. Things you do when at home or away can make a big difference to your safety and reduce the risk of having your home burgled or property stolen. Southbank has a high proportion of apartment buildings and these residential properties have their own unique safety and security challenges. Residents may have a false sense of security owing to the inability to enter through the front entrance without a fob. Apartment security is vital to ensure that you, your family, and your possessions remain as safe as possible. To help you make sure your apartment is secure here are a handful of apartment security tips to consider. I have liaised with Victoria Police’s experts, the Crime Prevention Officers from Melbourne’s Proactive Policing Unit, to compile the following: Tailgaters: Tailgating is one of the most common security breaches. Do not hold the entrance door open for a person to enter past a secure entry. This could be a thief intending to burgle apartments or steal from letterboxes. Never buzz a person into the building that you do not know for the same reason. Many Southbank residents have become victims of theft due to thieves tailgating on foot and in vehicles through secure carpark entrances. Always ensure that only your car enters the carpark and wait for the security door to close after your vehicle upon entry and exit. Lock apartment doors: Southbank has experienced a spike in residential burglaries where access has been gained through unlocked front doors – even when residents are home. Get in the habit of always locking your front door when leaving and returning home. Apartments may have a mix of residents and short-stay residents, which increase the number of people who have access to individual hallways. Letterboxes: Always lock your mailbox and never leave any access fobs or keys to apartments locked in your letterbox. Locks on letterboxes are easily forced by thieves. Bankcards: Thieves target credit cards and information that could be used for stealing identities from mailboxes. If your credit card is due for renewal, arrange to collect the card from your banking institution. This small inconvenience could save you a much larger one if the card is stolen. Report suspicious behaviour. If you see someone or something that is out of place or unusual report it to Southbank Police Station on 8635 0900 or to 000. For more information and security tips follow this link: police.vic.gov.au/home-and-property   Snr Sgt Alex O'Toole Station Commander - Southbank Police Station

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