Thanks for your warm Southbank welcome


I’m officially settled in at Southbank Police Station. Thanks for the emails I received from my first column and for welcoming me into your community. Have you ever been a victim of theft? Police have some valuable tips to help you keep your belongings safe. One of the most common reports taken are regarding thefts from motor vehicles. These thefts are often due to valuables being left in plain sight or doors/windows being left unlocked. It is important not to present an easy opportunity to thieves. Follow these simple steps to help reduce the risk of thefts: Remove all valuables Do not leave any valuables in your car, take them with you. Do not leave personal documents such as registration or insurance paperwork that disclose your home address in the glove box. Do not leave house keys or garage door remotes in the car, they may be stolen and used in home burglaries. Lock up Always lock your car – at the petrol station, going into the convenience store or even at home in your garage or car park. Secure your car Park in a well-lit area close to any CCTV if possible. Thieves do not want to be caught breaking into cars or risk being identified from security footage. An issue specific to Southbank residents is preventing tailgating through residential car park entries. This is often the way thieves enter car parks to steal from storage cages or cars. Take the time to allow the roller door to close after your car has either entered or left the car park. This ensures that your car parks remain secure. Ensure any lost fobs are cancelled straight away. These small steps all make a difference. In the event of theft Report thefts to the police. For further crime prevention information, visit the Victoria Police website at   Snr Sgt Alex O'Toole Station Commander - Southbank Police Station

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