Running from Southbank to Sydney for Beyond Blue

Running from Southbank to Sydney for Beyond Blue

Southbank resident Michael Finn is embarking on an extraordinary journey, trading the comforts of the city for a marathon like no other: running from Melbourne to Sydney in a remarkable effort to raise money for Beyond Blue.

In the peak of summer, Michael set off on his journey at the beginning of February, aiming to reach Sydney in 18 to 22 days, covering an impressive 60 kilometres on his first day.

A cause close to his heart, Michael hopes to raise $2500 for Beyond Blue along the way, having already secured more than $1000 in donations.

“The reason I decided to do the run is because a lot of the time when I was walking around, I felt a real energetic shift in the community and people’s moods, especially after COVID,” Michael said.


It seems to be that a lot of people are suffering right now – people aren’t sure who they are or what they’re doing, they’re afraid to express themselves and to socialise.


Having utilised Beyond Blue’s services while he struggled with Crohn’s disease, Michael emphasises the importance of such support, noting that every $48 donated can fund a “potentially life-saving call”.

“There’s certainly been times when I’ve been unable to cope with the world I’m living in and the life I had, and I’ve called up Beyond Blue and said that I’m not coping and I don’t know what to do,” Michael told Southbank News.

“They listened and were really there for me – it was very helpful, and they were very kind in pointing me in the right direction.”

Preparation for the monumental run involved an intense training regimen for Michael, including daily activities like a 30-minute sauna, an ice bath, a half marathon run, and the incorporation of natural supplements such as turmeric and ginger to boost his energy and immune system.

“It’s a bit of an oddity to run from Melbourne to Sydney in the summer, so I’m hoping it will create conversation for the fundraiser,” he said.

“But it’s also about being the strongest version of yourself, doing something ridiculous that a lot of people wouldn’t think is physically possible to remind ourselves of how strong we are as a species and how strong we are as people.”

Michael will also be followed by a friend in a support vehicle throughout the journey, carrying essentials such as food and a tent and meeting him at the end of each running day.

When asked about what will keep him motivated throughout the run, Michael said that Break my Stride by Matthew Wilder had been the song that’d “been with me lately”.

“That’s sort of the theme song for the run – I’ve got to keep on moving no matter what obstacles I come across.” •

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