Residents join forces at forum

Residents join forces at forum

Southbank Residents Group (SRG) came together with the Docklands Community Association and the Eastenders last month for a community forum about the Metropolitan Planning Strategy.

The forum, at the town hall on March 19, gave residents the opportunity to hear from representatives from the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) and to voice their concerns.  

The forum followed the release of the discussion paper Melbourne, Let’s Talk About the Future in October last year.

The forum featured a presentation from DPCD community relations manager Ken Thornton and DPCD planner Lester Townsend and a question and answer session.

Attendees were vocal in their concerns when it came to development decisions that affected Southbank.

Concerns discussed included traffic congestions, building approvals and building regulation of serviced apartments.

Many attendees said they felt they were wasting their time attending community forums and making submissions to the planning department as they felt the planning minister ignored their concerns.  

Mr Townsend said the feedback provided at the forum would be passed on and all formal submissions about the discussion paper would be considered.

Formal submissions on the discussion paper were accepted until March 28 with the draft strategy intended for release for consultation in June and the final draft release later this year.

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