Some shade for Lashie

Some shade for Lashie

The heat has been hitting pets badly and owners have been taking care to stay out of the sun. Gee has found a tree with shade for his dog Lashie on St Kilda Rd near the Arts Centre. Lashie is 11 years old and is wilting by 9am. “She’s a little bit tired,” Gee said. “I’m keeping her wet until we go to the park.” Both Gee and Lashie have been sleeping rough for eight weeks. “I’ve come here for a couple of hours, will make some money and come back in the evening,” Gee said. “I’ll wait for it to cool down.” Gee has been fussing over the pure-bred Maltese since birth. “I have had her since she was a baby. I had her mother. She passedw away two years ago.” She was named Lashie because of her long eye lashes. “She’s with me all the time.”

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