Fiona and Daisy at the park

Fiona and Daisy at the park

Ree Maloney Despite being a sunny day on Thursday afternoon, few people were out with their pets. After walking several kilometres in the local area, this Southbank Local News reporter was on the point of giving up.

Rounding the corner behind the Boyd Community centre, I felt my heart sink.

I was sure it was empty.

 But then, a tiny brown and white body in the far left corner caught my attention.

I practically ran across the park, camera in hand.

I’ve never been so excited to see a dog in my life.

Southbank resident, Fiona and her dog, Daisy saved the day. They were more than happy to have a chat and their photo taken. Daisy is a two-year-old Jack Russell / Fox Terrier cross.

Fiona has had her since she was pup.

Daisy is a friendly, wiggly delight who was excited to meet me and have a pat.

She was reluctant to sit still for this photo, preferring pats to being in the limelight.

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