Southbank’s own Jack Sparrow

Southbank’s own Jack Sparrow

By Chelsea Cucinotta 

Meet Southbank resident Sandy Wagner and her nine-week old puppy Jack, whose name was inspired by Captain Jack Sparrow from the “Pirates of the Caribbean” films.

Jack was born with one blue and one green eye because of his many combinations of breeds, which include Labrador, Staffy, Border Collie and Kelpie.

And as Sandy told Southbank Local News, the story behind his birth is quite a remarkable one. “His mum Cleo, who is 12 years old is my daughter’s dog,” she said.

“She was never interested in seeking a mate until she was on Magnetic Island where she sought her mate out of many other dogs.” “She went for a second time to make sure and later travelled from Queensland to Darwin.

She gave birth naturally at a caravan park in Darwin, where my daughter nursed her and the pups until they were transportable.” “All healthy and trained, Jack and his sister Luna, were flown to Melbourne.

Jenny, my youngest daughter has Luna, and Jack is living with me here in Southbank. Jack has two brothers named Yin Yan and Muckwa.

A beautiful calm mother produced four amazingly different but equally gentle pups!” While Sandy has only had Jack for one week, she said he had already brought a positive change to her life.

“He’s such a calm and beautiful dog. Having him has been a learning experience, but definitely a great one. And he gets me out the house more often.

” Sandy walks Jack for 45 minutes a day around Southbank. Jack’s favourite spot is the Boyd Community Hub, where he can be found running around wearing his colourful winter coat.

“When he sees me bring his jacket out, he knows its time for a walk and gets very excited.” Sandy said Jack received a lot of attention on his walks, as he was still so small.

When Jack is not soaking up the attention of those around him, he is usually sleeping. “Jack sleeps more than he is awake and you know when he’s tired, as his eyes will slowly nod off.

” Though little, Jack has a big appetite and his daily menu consists of kangaroo meat with vegetables and brown rice for breakfast and puppy dog food for dinner.

So far Sandy has taught Jack how to sit by rewarding him with treats, and is now in the process of teaching him how to fetch!

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