A tremendous trio

A tremendous trio

St Johns Southgate’s resident trio of pups Casey, Coco and Ella love life in Southbank.

Residing at the church with St Johns administration officer Lucy and her husband Richard, they are described by their owners as “very friendly” dogs who are well regarded by the community at St Johns.

10-year-old Casey (left) and five-year-old Coco (right) are both kelpies, while five-year old Ella (centre), a coolie cross schipperke, rounds out the trio.

According to their owners, they each complement each other very well.

Coco’s sheep dog instinct makes her a bit of a bully at times and she is good at keeping the other two in line.

While Ella’s cheeky nature makes her an easy target for Coco, Casey, the elder statesman of the trio, always has Ella’s back!

The three dogs also love being surrounded by all the constant buzz of activity that life in Southbank provides. “Two of them are working dogs and Ella has working dog in her.

They’re intelligent so they need a lot of stimulation mentally and around here there is always people, horse and carts, buskers, skateboarders,” Richard said.

“There’s always different stuff to look at so that’s what they really like about it.”

Another thing all three dogs share in common is that they were each rescued.

Coco was rescued from the RSPCA in Warrnambool, Ella from a puppy farm in South Australia and Casey from a farm in Bendigo following the death of his former owner.

Fortunately for the trio, it has wound up in a very loving home here in Southbank and now regularly enjoys walks around the Botanic Gardens and along the Yarra River.

“Casey had never been past the farm gate his whole life so for nine years he’d never been off the property until we brought him to Melbourne a year ago,” Richard said.

“They’ve all adjusted very well. They’re pretty well behaved most of the time!”

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