Pets Corner

Pets Corner

An apartment pup

Three-year-old Charlie has well and truly taken to the apartment lifestyle in Southbank.

However, having only been a Southbank resident for three months, owner Keith Brocket said he was still settling into life beyond the apartment.

“We got him about four months ago, he was from a pet rescue shelter in Ballarat,” he said. “He’s still getting used to the city and the frenetic lifestyle.”

“He’s good. He’s very confident when we’re at home but he’s still getting used to the crowds and traffic. He’s a bit nervous when it comes to strangers and so on.”

While he is still adjusting to his new lifestyle, Keith said he didn’t believe it would be too long before he found his feet in Southbank, with the new resident already proving a handful for his owner.

“We are out for his daily walk and he does this great thing where he always loves to just roll in the grass, which has just happened,” he said.

“He becomes a bit of a Houdini because he’ll roll in the grass and rollout of his harness and we’ve got to chase him so he keeps us on our toes.”

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