Pets Corner

Pets Corner

A discerning dog

Although he prances like a horse, Tyce thinks he’s a human, according to owner Alex Simanjuntak.

This three-year old longhaired chihuahua is very calm and gentle. A member of a local chihuahua club that meets at the Botanical Gardens, Tyce is good with other dogs.

Trained by Alex, Tyce has never been to puppy school. “Tyce is very well behaved, I worked hard to train him.”

Alex likes to keep Tyce’s hair short with regular visits to a dog groomer and treats Tyce to chicken snacks and yogurt drops “which he loves.”

When Alex lived in Southbank, he found Tyce was a great way to meet other people and became friends with other pet owners.

However, Tyce is more picky, preferring girls to guys.

“Tyce likes to sit on girls laps and he tends to bark at men,” he said.

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