Pets corner

Pets corner

Mini loves life.

She lives at the Melburnian in Southbank and embraces every aspect of inner city living, according to owner Jan.

“She loves it here because there are so many places to walk and play. This little park in Sturt St and the Botanical Gardens are her two favourites, plenty of room to chase a ball around,” Jan said.

Mini, a pomeranian, is clearly full of energy and, at four, is in the prime of her life! Jan said she also loves heading down for walks to the Boyd library, where there are activities for both Mini and her big sister (Jan’s grand-daughter), 17-month-old Scarlett.

Mini’s enthusiasm for life rubs off on everyone she meets and Jan said: “She should be called smiley, because everyone smiles when they see her!”

Perhaps the only creature who doesn’t greet Mini with a smile is the cat she lives with, Shiney.

“Mini loves Shiney, but Shiney is not so keen on her,” Jan said, adding: “That might be because, along with chicken necks and dog bones, cat food is one of Mini’s favourite foods!”

While she enjoys the lifestyle of Southbank, Mini also has a great balance in life, as she heads down to Torquay most weekends to get away from the stress of the city.

Mini loves the open space and, of course, the beach down at Torquay, but Jan said she doesn’t play favourites between her two home towns.

Jan said it all added up to Mini being one of the happiest dogs in Southbank.

“She’s got a pretty good life,” Jan said.

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