A daily dose of Bailey

A daily dose of Bailey

Southbank resident Andrew Gung loves to walk in his local area, just as much as he enjoys his favourite alcoholic drink – a Baileys!

So, it would make sense that any canine companion of Andrew’s encapsulates two of his great loves.

Enter one-year-old long-haired miniature dachshund Bailey.

Named after Andrew’s favourite drink and extremely well accustomed to walking, you’d be hard pressed to find a more compatible pair!

Andrew said he fell in love with Bailey’s breed while on a trip to Japan a few years ago, when he first played with another long-haired miniature dachshund in a pet store in Tokyo.

“I decided to play with it, and from that moment I knew that was the dog that I fell in love with,” Andrew said.

“So, when I came back to Melbourne I put myself down for 15 or so waiting lists on breeder websites, until they called me back a year-and-a-half later. Now I’ve got my little baby with me!”

Southbank News met the duo at South Melbourne Market this month – one of Bailey’s favourite local haunts. According to Andrew, Bailey is extremely social and affectionate.

“She never gets angry,” Andrew said.

“She only barks at people who she thinks are strange, but it’s very rare.”

Otherwise Bailey lives a very full life, complete with a raw food diet including all of the staples – chicken, beef and raw mince.

But being a “bit spoilt”, Andrew said Bailey loved the occasional cooked meal.

“She eats cooked chicken and rice … like a human!” •

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