Happy Otto

Happy Otto

Southbank resident Haruka and her five-month-old dachshund Otto can often be found strolling through Boyd Park.

The pair love spending time together inside and lounging around, but young energetic Otto can’t wait until it’s time to hit the pavement.

Having just received all of his vaccinations, Otto is now free to explore widely and meet all the other local dogs.

“He loves being outside,” Haruka said. “It’s nice to have such a beautiful park close by.”

However, walk time has been a steep learning curve for the young pup.

“He used to walk me, he’d be so excited and I’d be being dragged behind. Now we walk together,” Haruka said.

When asked to describe Otto, the first two words that came to Haruka’s mind were “stubborn and naughty”.

“He’s still learning,” Haruka laughed.

“He makes me very happy.” •

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