Pets corner

Pets corner
Sean Car

Shauneen learnt something about her beloved dog last month.

Bosch is completely camera shy.

You’ll probably notice from the photo that Bosch was livid about getting his photo taken, and was squirming and looking in any direction other than at the camera.

Funnily he wasn’t shy when the camera was put away, actually attempting to answer some of Southbank Local News’s questions, but unfortunately a translator wasn’t on hand.

Shauneen said normally Bosch was a very personal dog and always affectionate.

“He just loves people, but he’s also a cool cat. He doesn’t pester you when you’re not paying attention,” Shauneen said.

Shauneen says Bosch means “little German sparkler” and she chose it because of his German breed and his energetic nature.

Luckily Bosch has adapted well to apartment living, and knows that at home it is better to be calm and relaxed and to save his energy for outside.

“He is extremely energetic out of the apartment, but a couch potato when at home. In fact, he enjoys watching the tennis on TV – mainly for the ball!” Shauneen observed.

She also told us that he gets plenty of chances to actually play with a ball, as he is let outside at least four times a day.

“Sometimes just for a toilet break, but often for long walks or even just a trip around the block like this morning,” Shauneen said.

The five-year-old has recently been in for a haircut to impress his friend Toby, who he will be staying with this month.

No doubt Bosch will be hoping Toby doesn’t own a camera.

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