Pet’s corner

Pet’s corner
Sean Car

Eddy and Becca are not ordinary apartment living dogs. They haven’t grown up not knowing what it’s like to have a big back yard to run around and enjoy.

They moved into Quay West with their owner Jill just two years ago from Mont Albert, but have adjusted brilliantly to their new surroundings and Jill doesn’t think they won’t to go back.

She described their attitude to living in Southbank as “Absolutely peachy!”

Jill did concede that it wasn’t all smooth sailing at the start, saying: “There were a few accidents to start with.”

In the two years the Cavalier King Charles’ have been in Quay West they have become very popular with the locals.

“They think their names are hello and hello! That’s what everyone says to them, and that’s what they respond to,” explains Jill.

Becca, the older of the pair, is so friendly she has been known to invite herself to random picnics. “Eddy loves exercise, but Becca is all about food. She’ll eat anything!” Jill said.

The pair still like getting out into the open expanses, and their favourite play area without doubt is Alexandra gardens.

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