A warrior, Goku is not

A warrior, Goku is not
Shane Scanlan

Amongst the “Blues”, “Fluffys”, “Rexs” and “Mollys” of the dog world Goku the Shanghai pug is a rare exception.

Named after a character in the popular children’s anime program Dragon Ball Z, Goku holds no resemblance to his namesake.

His owner, Marianthe Ranieri, said the Japanese warrior was everything her pampered pooch was not.

“It’s funny because Goku the anime character is meant to be big, strong and heroic but my Goku is so small and silly,” she said.

Although there are no obvious similarities between the pug and the warrior, Marianthe said she and her husband chose the name because of Goku’s Asian pedigree.

“Dragon Ball Z is an Asian animated show and our Goku is a Shanghai pug so it makes some sense,” she laughed.

Goku also lacks the independence of his namesake and requires constant attention.

“I wanted a small dog because they’re easier to look after but he is so high maintenance,” Marianthe said. “He demands so much attention from me.”

When she isn’t busy working from her apartment in Southbank as a clinical researcher Marianthe makes sure she always has time for her loveable pug.

“I take him for walks every morning along Southbank when it’s quietened down,” she said.

There are times when Marianthe’s work requires her to travel around the city and interstate and she can’t be there for Goku’s every beck and call but fortunately her husband has plenty of time for the quirky pup.

Despite his lack of ferociousness and enormous consumption of her time Marianthe said she would never give away Goku’s “squashed little face”.

“He’s just like my baby,” she said.

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