Pets corner

Pets corner
Sean Car

Phoebe and Lucy are big dogs. Big dogs love space.

That is why they have lived with owner Susan McKay on 10 acres in country Victoria for the majority of their lives.

In recent times though, Susan has been spending three to four days a week here in Southbank and, luckily, the two dogs have adapted beautifully.

“The dogs aren’t always here, because we are very conscious of just how big they are,” Susan explained.

“But they absolutely love going for walks here in Southbank. There is plenty of green spaces, the parks and along the river are their favourites. It is a very dog-friendly area,” Susan said.

The dogs share a mother/daughter style relationship, as Phoebe is 13 and Lucy just seven. Phoebe doesn’t always love Lucy’s enthusiasm, but Susan thinks she likes having the younger dog around.

“Having Lucy keeps Phoebe young,” Susan said.

While at home in the apartment, Susan said the dogs were very well behaved. She explained that taking them for walks and tiring them out was the key.

“With big dogs in apartments you need to take them for a walk at least two times a day. When we do that they are usually ready for a lie down and sleep when they get home,” Susan said.

“Smaller dogs are ideal for apartments, but our two are coping just fine,” she added.

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