It really is the season to be festive!


Dear readers and Montague community members; finally, we have some certainty for the Montague Precinct. With the Labor Party having been re-elected and Richard Wynne returning to the planning portfolio, the latest Fishermans Bend Plan can now go ahead. There is a palpable sigh of relief amongst the residents, businesses, developers and builders that we at least now know what the rules are. The Fishermans Bend Development Board has been formed under the chairpersonship of Meredith Sussex AM, who had previously chaired the Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) and we hope that with all this in place, it means we can press go! The first issue and our priority at the Montague Community Alliance (MCA) will be getting support from both the council and the state government for “A neighbourhood agreement”. With the risk of repeating a previous column – we had taken the initiative ourselves to negotiate with developers to work together with the community to create a voluntary agreement that worked for residents, businesses and the developers. These agreements included a flyer delivered to homes and business in a set vicinity of the build every week with the schedule of works. The developers agreed not to undertake pile driving and concrete pouring on Saturdays, not to park in residential permit zones and to ensure a courteous and professional engagement with the community. The agreement of the community was to engage respectfully with the developers, builders and contractors. To not disrupt or stop their work and to communicate with one representative only and at a reasonable hour. For the most part, this agreement worked very well. We look forward to making this part of the permits process, even if only on a voluntary basis and, of course, to ensure an ongoing engagement with the whole community. As well as this type of agreement we look forward to working with the all the stakeholders to continue to communicate and influence the liveability and amenity of our wonderful neighbourhood. 2019 is likely to be a year full of noisy, dusty building but by working together as a whole community, inclusive of the developers and builders, we can show the rest of Fishermans Bend how to embrace the exponential growth of a community with warmth, thoughtfulness and efficiency. We would also like to thank all our local candidates in the State Election for supporting us and our neighbourhood and we are genuinely delighted that Martin Foley has retained the seat of Albert Park, as we know he will continue to be interested and aware of our circumstances and challenges. We would also like to thank the outgoing Mayor of the City of Port Phillip, Cr Bernadene Voss for everything she has done for the Montague Precinct. She has been a great advocate for our causes. To Mayor Dick Gross, we look forward to introducing you to our neighbourhood and gaining your support for our community alliance and the development of our precinct. We would also like to thank all the Montaguans who bravely allowed themselves to be interviewed for our “Meet a Montaguan” segment, we have really enjoyed getting to know you all, and we will be back to “meet more Montaguans” in 2019. In the new year we will happily, once again, take up the cause of our growing Precinct with a sense of renewed purpose that ensures full engagement and representation of “all” of us that live and work in Montague. And finally, for 2018, the Montague Community Alliance would like to wish you and your families a wonderful Christmas and New Year and a peaceful and enjoyable break. Merry Christmas! Trisha Avery - Convener

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