The NIMBY – Not in my back yard.

The NIMBY – Not in my back yard.

Right now, someone somewhere is describing those of us living and working in high development areas all over Melbourne as NIMBYs.

That is, those who raise their voices to express concerns about the development in their neighbourhoods.

I noticed this week that the City of Yarra, a geographical area about the same distance from the CBD as the City of Port Philip, passed a resolution to lobby the State Government to ensure height and density limits in Fitzroy.

We here in Montague and on the interfaces with Port Melbourne of course think that resolution is a great idea and want the City of Port Philip (CoPP) to follow City of Yarra’s lead.

However, it is just not possible.

Planning permits for up to 40-storeys have been granted and the Recast Vision for Fishermans Bend has been enthusiastically taken up by the relevant Minister. 

We even doubt the community engagement process will have any effect on the outcome of Minister Wynne’s final decision.  

Our friends at Surveyors Place are experiencing this directly as the South Melbourne Primary School and the adjacent roads start to transform and their car parking is removed.

It is interesting that Fishermans Bend planning talks about a “carless society” and that we are told no parking permits will be issued for new builds.

We look forward (with some scepticism) to seeing how this works!

We are so fortunate to live in an urban environment that offers such opportunities for access to the city, the South Melbourne market and the beach and we do welcome our potential new neighbours to our community with the wish that they honour our environment in the same way we do.

As we near the close of 2016, our hope is that the planning departments at the State Government and CoPP work with the community and with the developers, to ensure incredible urban design, a vibrant and relevant connection to the existing communities living and working in and around the Montague Precinct and, most importantly, to communicate with us regularly.

This respect for the existing community will go a long way in ensuring great communities develop now and in the future.

We have started our Facebook page @MontaguePrecinct, please like our page and check for updates as we move into the new year.

Wishing you all a peaceful end to 2016 and a wonderful new year to come.


Trisha Avery Convener - Montague Community Alliance

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