New-look Metro Tunnel HQ back in business

New-look Metro Tunnel HQ back in business

Giving Victorians the chance to explore some of the biggest construction projects underway in our state. The visitor centre was closed temporarily when COVID hit last year, but it’s once again open to the public with a new look. Jo Hopgood of Rail Projects Victoria (RPV), the agency delivering the Metro Tunnel Project for the Victorian Government, said the revamped centre on Swanston St now included information and education about the broader range of RPV projects. Jo, who is deputy director, marketing and brand, said, “We’ve been reviewing what visitors liked best about the existing spaces and experiences as well as considering what stories we’d like to be able to tell at HQ and what digital capability we would need to tell those stories.” Part of that has been thinking about how best to incorporate more than one project into the space for the first time. “New visitors will notice a lot of changes,” Jo said. ​“That includes new projects to learn about with Melbourne Airport Rail, Regional Rail Revival and Geelong Fast Rail included in the displays, as well as the traditional Metro Tunnel content.” Staff at Metro Tunnel HQ are thrilled to be back in their revitalised city space. “They’re excited to welcome visitors to the new space and check out the new experiences,” Jo said. “They are enjoying chatting with visitors again and getting back to what they do best.” RPV has been monitoring visitor traffic on Swanston St closely, as the city comes back to life after tight COVID restrictions. “Visitor numbers on the footpaths around Metro Tunnel HQ are back to around 65 per cent of pre-COVID traffic,” Jo said. “There are plenty of people back in the city and we are also looking forward to welcoming lots of schools to HQ again.” For details of HQ’s opening hours and current activities, check out the Metro Tunnel website. Metro Tunnel HQ is at 125-133 Swanston St, across the road from the Melbourne Town Hall. Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm; Saturday and Sunday: 10am to 4pm • For more information:

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