Meet the candidates

Meet the candidates
Sean Car

The Southbank Residents’ Association (SRA) will host a Meet The Candidates event at the Boyd Community Hub on Thursday, April 26, ahead of the Lord Mayoral elections on May 11.

Former City of Melbourne councillor Stephen Mayne has been confirmed as moderator for the event, which take place in the Assembly Hall from 6pm.

Contenders Sally Capp, Ken Ong, Gary Morgan, Sally Warharft and Rohan Leppert are just some of the candidates attending on the night.

SRA president Tony Penna said: “This event is a rare opportunity for the community to engage with the prospective candidates and ask the hard-hitting questions that are important to them for the leadership of our council for the next 18 months.”

“There is a diverse field of candidates with no single candidate having an edge. It will be a tight contest.”

For more information contact SRA president Tony Penna [email protected]

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