Local crime continues to rise

Local crime continues to rise

Crime in Southbank continues to steadily rise, according to Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) figures for the year ending March 31.

The numbers of crimes were up in all categories, except for “public order and security” offences, where the number dropped to 288, compared with 318 in 2017.

Over all categories, the number of reported crimes in 2018 was 2655, up from 2484 last year.

The 2017 number jumped from 351 to 429 in 2018 within the “crimes against the person” category.

In the “property and deception offences” category, the number rose from 1605 to 1676; and “drug offences” went from 112 in 2017 to 143 in 2018.

“Justice procedures” offences rose from 88 to 101 and “other offences” jumped from 10 to 18.

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