Name it Domain!

Name it Domain!

I read your article about an “unwinnable competition” with interest and great disappointment of yet another example of the Labor Government’s stupidity.

Whilst one can understand their ‘good’ intent, the outcome is missing the mark! As Marilyn More correctly points out, the name ANZAC has no relevance to the location at Domain Interchange!

Rather typical of the Andrew’s Government stupid decision making – and once again ignoring the community preferences or wish! Shame on them!

The sooner they’re voted out of the office, the better. Hopefully common sense will ultimately prevail, and the actual station name will be changed to DOMAIN STATION! Here’s hoping. Best regards, Paul S   Response Response to “An unwinnable competition”- Southbank Local News May edition.

The Southbank News’ May front-page story on the Metro Tunnel’s station naming competition was ill-informed and inaccurate.

  From day one and throughout the entire process, it was explicitly stated the competition was not a popularity contest but rather an opportunity for people to submit suggestions.

An expert advisory panel would then short-list the eligible suggestions and provide them to the Victorian Government to make the final call.

It was promoted as a competition because those people whose name suggestions were ultimately chosen then went into a random draw with others who submitted the same names.

It was deliberately not run as a popular vote due to the memorable case when the British public voted to name a new research ship “Boaty McBoatface”.

We wanted to conduct a fun and engaging campaign to raise awareness about the transformational Metro Tunnel Project and its five new underground stations whilst ensuring that only appropriate and eligible names would be in the running.

The winners of the competition did not deserve the article’s implication that the process was in some way illegitimate.

The competition clearly captured the imagination of the public, with more than 50,000 name suggestions and widespread publicity generated in what was a transparent and fair process.

For the Southbank Local News to claim otherwise is very disappointing. Regards, James Tonkin Director, communications and stakeholder relations Rail Projects Victoria   Any help?

Would you be able to put me in contact with anyone about how to deal with scenarios such as people who vomit from balconies that are above your level?

Indeed, you may like to make a story about it? For two successive days at the weekend, a guy on level 8 was belching out his food contents onto the terrace below me. It sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it?

Unfortunately, it happened and the pool of vomit is still there because the tenant of that residence has been away for some time.

That means I have to confront it everyday and cannot invite visitors over because of the sheer disgust that such a scene evokes. One can only feel forlorn for the poor resident who will be overwhelmed by what she is going to see on her terrace upon her return.

Saluti, Jeremias La Barbera   Mayoral apathy Just read your coverage of the “Meet the Candidates Meeting” which I was unable to attend.

Southbank Residents’ Association (SRA) president Tony Penna was good enough to forward me vision of the meeting, which was more fun than any free-to-air TV I’ve seen for a while.

Loved the Gary Morgan references. I recall him strutting around the H&WT offices circa 1963-75 when his Dad had rooms within 44 Flinders Street for his Gallup business.

He doesn’t seem to have changed very much.

Many might find this bunch of candidates a reason to vote informal, but I did complete my ballot paper and return it in time.

Best regards, David.

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