In support of low-rise

In support of low-rise

I am writing this letter because I am opposing the high rise development at 153 Sturt St, Southbank.

This is yet another attempt to disrupt a unique Arts Precinct with cheap housing attempting to attract a transient population to Southbank with 39 open-plan and 32 one-bedroom apartments.

Tall buildings in this area will not be in character with the low rise Malthouse Theatre and other artistic, heritage buildings.

The large number of apartments scheduled to be built will only create more traffic problems for local residents and theatre-going public.  

Please be strong and unanimous and vote NO to this proposal Greg Llatse   Monash omission It is a stunning omission on the part of David Kram to not acknowledge the creator of the lyrics of the beautiful PEACE Cantata that was performed in the Hamer Hall recently.

Kevin O’Flaherty has spent 12 years of his life passionately researching Monash in order to make us aware of the impact Monash had on our history.

His lyrics capture the humanity of the man, his concern for his soldiers and his skill in the theatre of war 100 years ago.

Mary McCarthy   Very angry How bloody disappointing to hear of yet another high rise development in Southbank.

I have lived here in Eureka Tower for 12 years. Southbank use to be a pleasant environment to live in. Now the high rises are being blown out of all proportion, it will soon look like China and, to tell you the truth, who wants that?

No views, no sunshine, noisy, polluted, and the bloody horrific traffic. I have to pick my times to get in and out of our building due to the traffic.

Certain times of the day, you cannot move and some days, all day, due to delivery trucks, removal vans, cabs that park where they shouldn’t, they force us to the wrong side of the street.

These are very greedy developers and the bloody council which has completely destroyed the city streets and now Southbank.

I bet they don’t live in Southbank! Will someone stand up for Southbank? Ahh, yes they do, but does the council listen or care? No, no, no. All I can say is we will be glad to get out of here and go live in the country, where hopefully we can get enough space to breathe.

Ahh yes, and a little sunshine. Dianne (Very angry resident ) Yarra Pools I wish to comment on this proposal and congratulate Michael and Matt and have suggested for some time this would be a great attraction to our city.

Having seen and swam in that type of pool in Lake Como and Turkey over the past few years can attest to how great they are.

It should be available throughout the year so obviously solar heated for colder months. Having just moved from Bendigo and now living at Yarra’s Edge, I for one, would use it.

There is quite a group of us swim daily at the outdoor pool heated at approximately 26 degrees and people ask “isn’t it cold?” It’s a little cold getting out and heading to change rooms, but well worth it.

My only concern is the suggested location and can understand that a pool would enhance that area but it’s my belief that the pool needs to be located on the south side of the Yarra to take advantage of the sun.

My thoughts for a location is at the western end of the boating arena to take advantage of the public park and barbecue facilities, etc.

Keith Sutherland Yarra Pools 2 I am writing with my views on a swim in the Yarra.

If it’s Yarra River water, the answer is I would never swim in it nor bring my grandchildren to swim there either. It needs to have attractive greenery plus flowering shrubs around it as this city has no colour, no flowers.

If they put a children’s pool in there, it needs to have things like water slides and also floating waterbeds or some water activities.

If there is just a plain swimming pool it will not attract families. Families are always looking for something new.

Water slides in the adults pool would also be fun. It should be a mini water park otherwise don’t bother.

Also, it should be free. The council needs to do something for families and not charge them for every little thing.


Lilian Franz and friends

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