

Credibility issue Insightful to see Mr Danby use his entire monthly column attempting to explain his office’s very basic administration error. His constant criticism of the NBN rollout has now lost all credibility given he can’t even oversee a successful suburb-wide mailout?

Interested onlooker What about residents? I’ve been reading the Southbank Local News since moving into area a few years back and look forward to every new edition; additionally, unlike our council, you are keeping the local residents aware of the new developments, current issues and problems - thank you for doing so.

I would like to ask you to enlighten us (again, due to council’s failure) whether our council has considered the following: Consideration for the residents due to constant and continuous development relating to noise/air/traffic pollution; and Inconvenience caused due to loss of parking spots due to above.

Since moving into Southbank Boulevard building, I had to put up with: ABC re-development; Current Australia 108 construction; Current construction on the Kavanagh/Power St corner; and soon to commence: Adina Hotel development (Cnr Southbank Boulevard/City Rd); Southbank Boulevard re-development; and Possible CUB development (Cnr Southbank Boulevard/Sturt St).

Despite numerous reports stating the obvious over-development in the area, Southbank continues to be the centrepiece of development. Some of this development will undoubtedly benefit the local residents, while others will surely impact the quality of living either via limiting resident’s privacy (due to buildings proximity) and/or obstruction of access to daylight. 

My concern is that I am bound to be exposed to construction noise for at least another five years! This is obviously a substantial period of time. Does council consider the impact this has on local residents?

Is it unreasonable to expect these constructions should commence only after certain period has passed and residents were awarded some peace in the meantime?

Or, should all these constructions commence at the same time and finish as soon as possible? These questions might appear unreasonable to one, however continuous noise, dust and traffic congestion have great impact on those leaving in a very close proximity. 

Additionally, I am deprived of a parking spot as recent construction on the corner of Kavanagh and Power Streets has simply taken over a number of parking spots! 

I am hoping you might be able to provide some answers - I probably wouldn’t want them answered by our “dear” Mayor.  Thank you. Michael Petrovich

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