Red stair I

Red stair I

I was very happy to read in Southbank Local News that the red stair will be removed!

As a local resident since the mid 90s, I was very disappointed when it was erected.

I see it as an eyesore from the front view and the back view, with the highly-lit casino car park sign.

Moreover, some of the weekend performances, accompanied with very loud spectator cheering, really disturbs the Sunday peace of local residents.

I would rather see the red structure replaced by something like a water fountain surrounded by green grass.

Also, I am hoping that the area can be opened up to Southbank Boulevard for pedestrians and tourists.

The median strip should/could be a walkway, devoid of the current bushes which prevent sunlight from reaching the patchy grass.

I look forward to seeing what plans are put in place for Southbank Blvd and the red stair.

Renzo Rossi Red stair II “Red stair to go!” from Queensbridge Square and proposal to be replaced with a cafe, as if there is a lack of cafes in the area.

Only 10 paces on either side of the red stair there is an abundance of cafes.

Instead of proposing to take from the scarce open public spaces in Southbank and giving it to private enterprise the authorities should be retaining and enhancing whatever remains unaffected from the orgy of overdevelopment.

If the red stair is to go, my suggestion is to renovate into a mini park with seating facilities and a water feature.

Open public space is superior to “a cafe or something ...” Southbank resident Red stair III I liked the red stairs.

It was somewhere for people to sit without being forced to purchase anything.

I’m not sure how this will go down, but how about a play area for kids like a fun sculpture and seating area for people to sit and enjoy their coffee or food, without being held ransom to have to purchase something just to take a seat. 

Melbourne being artistic, maybe you could reference our diverse and artistic culture. Thank you for your valuable time.

Marita Red stair IV As residents on the podium level at Freshwater Place, the removal of the red stairs is a true blessing! Extreme noise levels from buskers and street performers impact on our life.

 We understand that events are organised and usually these are great. However last weekend’s event was SO loud our windows shook!  

As more and more people move into apartments council really needs to realise that we are entitled to live peacefully.

Buskers and street performers are most certainly entitled to perform, however, many disregard council’s performance times and amp levels. We would love to somehow become involved in a discussion regarding the future of busking outside private residences.

Marianne Power Thanks for the pic It’s lovely to see David featured in this month’s issue of SLN. Thank you for the time you took visiting us in our apartment and for a lovely photo of David! Lynne and David Lumsden NBN botch Many residents of Southbank were understandably excited to hear that the NBN was to become available to them recently.

Sadly though for many the service has not lived up to the hype.

The NBN that is being delivered in Southbank is not the NBN that Labor initiated, what is being rolled out is Malcolm Turnbull’s “NBN Lite”.

Malcolm Turnbull’s plan to deliver an “NBN lite” Australia-wide has proven frustrating for many Southbank locals who are now experiencing slower paced internet than they had been when connected to their previous networks. It is ironic that the NBN, which was designed to service Australia with faster internet, is for some having quite the opposite effect. The reason for the NBN not functioning-- the government’s decision to cut corners in policy making. Labor was the first to propose the idea of the National Broadband Network, and once elected started the NBN rollout. At the time the Coalition opposed the NBN, branding it too costly, and claiming it was a “Rolls Royce” style service that the public did not require.

Once in government the Coalition proceeded with the rollout but reduced the service quality from a “Rolls Royce” style to a “Rent A Bomb” service.

This has become a cause for concern for residents of the Southbank area, as more and more residents are switching to the NBN network.

Many who have now signed up to the “NBN Lite” are experiencing speeds of half of what they were previously receiving on their previous Cable or ADSL plan.

Some may say that residents in Southbank are just lucky to have the NBN that the Turnbull government promised us all access to by the end of last year and dismally failed to deliver.

Those who have contacted my office would beg to differ.

Many preferred their old service.

Technology is advancing at a rapid rate and it makes little sense for our internet quality to go backwards.

In parliament I will continue to push for the rollout of fibre to the home as Labor was delivering in government.

Labor recognises that the NBN is vital infrastructure that will be essential to health and education services, as well as to business and home users.

Our future depends on us having access to the information super-highway, not being stuck in a back lane looking for directions.


Michael Danby MHR  

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