Living in Floodbank

Living in Floodbank

You have reported on the status of Whiteman St several times of late.  

As a resident along this street I can’t tell you how frustrated I am with the condition of this street.  

Am I living in Southbank or is it Floodbank? I am considering writing an extensive letter to yourself, the residents’ association, council, Melbourne Water and Yarra Trams with my concerns. I have previous written to the Minister regarding the opportunity to resolve the flooding issue at the time the new tram stop was being planned.

 I am led to believe my correspondence to Yarra Trams asking if they had a permit to remove planted trees prior to their tram stop works caused a one year delay in the works because YT didn’t have a permit.

Whilst the Melbourne Planning Scheme applies a Land Subject to Inundation Overlay to Whiteman St, the LSIO is designed to apply to 1:100 year flood events.

 I am not aware of LSIOs being applied to areas that flood after 5-8mm of rain. I encourage you and the Southbank Residents’ Association to take serious advocacy steps and/or enquiries to the Minister.  

This is the year 2016 not 1916 and residents have to suffer this flooding practically every time it rains more than 5mm in a short period of time.  Imagine if a real flood came.

Again, when I get time I intend to write a report rather than a letter containing photographs, observation records and a description of all the issues with Whiteman Street including inappropriate trees being planted with the tram stop landscaping, an abandoned car (facing the wrong direction) parked on the street for weeks (with a parking fine), safety issues an poor design street crossing from the new tram stop to the south side path of Whiteman Street.

RegardsPeter Well balanced report Our sincere thanks for the great article about the proposed Sturt St development – and thank you for its prominence on page 1.

The piece balanced all the facts so well and gave really good coverage to the residents’ concerns and outrage. We really appreciated the link to the Facebook page.

When possible, we hope you are able to keep the local community informed about this issue. Thank you again for your support and interest Eileen and Laura Emissions issue I’m just wondering if you could do an article about how cars are affecting emission in the city.

As I see my balcony full of black dust all the time makes me have to clean it again and again.

So I strongly encourage drivers to reduce driving cars and ride more bicycle or even scooters along with tram, train and bus.

Just an idea how it is affecting apartment’s health in Southbank.

Reece Appreciates the coverage Thanks for the Southbank Local News.  As investors in Southbank currently residing overseas, my wife and I appreciate the comprehensive coverage you frequently provide on that area.

In October last year, you ran an article about a lawsuit that the OC of The Guild Apartments was bringing against the Body Corporate manager and/or developer of the complex, Les Smith. However, I have not seen any further news since then.

If you happen to have any updates on that issue, we would be most grateful.

Thank you. Craig Graffiti and homelessness You may be interested in an ongoing situation that is concerning many Southbankers in the vicinity of the Vic Arts and ACCA.

It involves graffiti and homelessness at the CityPower sub-station, corner Sturt and Grant streets.


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