

Hoping for help

I am in Kavanagh St and on the back of Fawkner St.  At the moment a 37-storey, very ugly building has been finished in City Rd which, of course, backs onto Fawkner  St very close to my apartment.

Fawkner St is a lane and is not very wide at all.  Talking about a shadow, this building has taken about 50 per cent of my light.

I find this so bad (where are the architects!).

But the worst thing is the building on City Rd has been sold and apartments will be built all along that stretch from Fanning St to Southbank Boulevard.  How can this go on without any protest as we will be living in constant shade, not to mention the extra traffic from residents in those buildings.

How come in Southbank has all these ugly buildings which have been just placed anywhere without planning.

Most people who purchase here pay large amounts and it is disgusting that the planning department just let us down.

I do know what I will be doing this council election time.

Jan Smith

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