Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

Unwarranted abuse

Returning home along Queensbridge St on a Thursday at 7pm, I was confronted by the usual ‘footpath closed’ signs that have plagued our area for endless months.

Luckily I could see that work had ceased and workmen were removing the signs, saving me a good 10 minutes crossing Queensbridge St multiple times.

Unfortunately, one of the men clearing the signs decided that he would lecture me on the nature of “footpath closed” and launched into a ridiculous rant, despite the fact that gates were open and work had obviously ceased – otherwise, why were they packing up the signs?

This unnecessary, condescending and plainly rude behaviour is something many of us in Southbank have to deal with on a daily basis.

The fact I had to experience a completely unprofessional workman hurling abuse at me on Queensbridge St for walking on my own footpath is unacceptable.

I am utterly sick and tired not just by the contempt displayed by individual workers on this project but by the project as a whole.

Southbank residents are being held hostage by a development which threatens to tie up our footpaths for years.

Would this be allowed in any other suburb? It’s unfortunate, but clearly developers have more rights in Southbank than residents, despite the fact they rely on us to fill their towers.


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