High school around the bend

High school around the bend
Sean Car

Local education has received another boost in the state government’s latest budget, with the inclusion of $3.8 million to start planning for a high school in Fishermans Bend.

With South Melbourne Primary School now open and South Melbourne Park Primary to open next year, the provision of more secondary schools has long been touted as the next local education priority.

Having first hinted the initiative publicly at the recent Southbank Local News-sponsored Montague Forum on March 20, Member for Albert Park Martin Foley said a secondary school would help keep pace with rising population in the area.

The funds allocated in the budget are part of a $353.2 million education investment by the state, which will be used to start detailed master planning on the new school.

The significant education investment will help to build and plan for 28 new schools in Victoria’s fastest growing areas, including another new primary school in neighbouring Docklands.

The government’s recast vision for Fishermans Bend flags a further five new schools as part of the urban renewal project, with 80,000 residents projected to call the area home by 2050.

Education Minister James Merlino and Mr Foley said the funds for the first school in Fishermans Bend were the result of many years of hard work and campaigning by the local community.

“Building Fishermans Bend secondary school will ensure we keep pace with the community’s increasing population and give families certainty and peace of mind,” Mr Foley said.

“We’re upgrading schools right across the inner south to make sure they have the best classrooms and the best facilities.”

However, the site for the school remains uncertain, but the government says the site will be announced soon.

Mr Foley couldn’t confirm whether a site had already been determined or was still the subject of further consultation when asked by Southbank Local News. “The site will be announced shortly,” he said.

The state government’s draft Fishermans Bend Framework released in October last year, highlights a large area surrounding JL Murphy Reserve on Williamstown Rd as an investigation area for a new secondary school.

The City of Port Phillip confirmed that this was its preferred site.

“Council has suggested that the Government-owned land on the corner of Graham Street and Plummer Street is an ideal site for this purpose as it adjoins JL Murphy Reserve,” Mayor Bernadene Voss said.

South Port Urban Responsible Renewal (SPURR) convener Rowan Groves said the community was strongly opposed to a school at Murphy Reserve, arguing that it would add further strain on the existing open space.

SPURR prefers sites earmarked in the framework for new open space, at the Australia Post site or nearby the Bolte Bridge exit ramp as its preferred sites for the new school.

“We think the community consultation needs to include specific discussions on the best location for a new school, taking into account the views of all the stakeholders,” Mr Groves said.

“Irrespective of where it’s located, planning then needs to include the area and transport networks around that location, including the roads and parking capacity – not just the school itself.”

In its submission to the government’s appointed planning review panel for Fishermans Bend last month, SPURR noted that the framework relied too heavily on JL Murphy Reserve.

“Murphy is already at capacity,” the submission stated. “Overuse will rapidly reduce the benefits of these parks to the community.”

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