From Italy to Melbourne: a photographic journey Down Under


After five years of travelling Australia from Italy, Jhonny Scorpaniti has embraced a new chapter of life in Melbourne, committing to his passion for photography at the Photography Studies College (PSC).

Although his personal journey in photography spans nine years, Jhonny decided to undertake an undergraduate certificate at PSC to refine his skills and transition into taking his work “more seriously”.

Starting classes from Western Australia while making his way to Melbourne, battling wi-fi issues along the way, Jhonny’s determination propelled him forward, undeterred.

“I thought it was probably time to try and I didn’t want to have regrets one day,” Jhonny told Southbank News.

Describing himself as inherently curious, Jhonny draws inspiration from his extensive travels, infusing his work with diverse narratives.



Settling into urban life after years of being on the move has posed its own set of challenges, yet Jhonny’s optimistic outlook and dedication to his craft have allowed him to navigate this new chapter with a creative approach.

“For me, photography has always been about travelling to a new country and finding a storyline – I’m always looking for diversity,” he said.

“Now that I’m in Melbourne, I’m already struggling to stay in one place. But here (at PSC), they’re pushing me to find different stories which is good, because I’ve got to work with what I’ve got.”

Jhonny is currently engrossed in his final semester project, which focuses on the hostel that he has been living in since arriving in February.

While he admits that his situation and the project has “taken its toll” on him, Jhonny remains inspired by the fact that his work is “pushing me to achieve what I set to do”.

“Sometimes, something hard hides something beautiful and meaningful. I’ve been hating this place [the hostel], but at the same time, every day is like I’m travelling the world through the people I’m passing by.”

Looking ahead, Jhonny is determined to further his education at PSC, having already made plans to keep pushing himself and continue his Bachelor’s degree.

“It’s the first time in my life where I’m in a safe place and I can show my art. It’s a really good environment to come out of your comfort zone, you start to believe in yourself,” he said. “I’m super happy about this experience. All the teachers have been really supportive, so I have to say thanks to all these guys.” •

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