Explanation of NBN card mailout

Explanation of NBN card mailout

With vast amounts of money being spent on television advertising for “Gen NBN” it is little wonder my office has been receiving many queries regarding the promised service, which we have been promised but have not been delivered.

Many of you would have received a card from my office regarding the “White Elephant” the NBN has become under the Abbott/Turnbull governments.

You may now been waiting unto 2019 for a paler version of the NBN that was originally planned by Labor.

When this card was sent out to residents I was aware that a number of premises in the Southbank area did have access to a lighter version of the NBN than that which Labor was delivering.

My office has received several complaints on the poor performance of the NBN that many originally thought they were fortunate to have access to.

My office worked very hard to try and only target areas of the electorate that do not have NBN.

As I am sure you can appreciate, doing this in areas with a small number of connected premises can be quite difficult. 

The material sent was not just seeking to inform the electorate of the slow pace of the roll out but also the type of connection being provided under the Turnbull government.

Labor’s version of NBN is starkly different to that being rolled out by the Turnbull/Abbott governments.

Labor proposed connecting fibre directly to the home, replacing our old, poorly maintained and out-of-date copper network.

Fibre has a much longer lifespan than copper and also has the capacity to provide far greater speeds.

By keeping the existing copper network, we, the customers of NBN Co will have to pay for the replacement of the old copper network sometime in the near future.

It seems to me that, instead of buying the old networks from Telstra and Optus, that money would have been better spent rolling out the more reliable and longer lasting fibre option. 

Rest assured, Bill Shorten and Labor’s policy is still to deliver the first rate fibre to the home service that Australian deserve and expect. The ALP’s policy can be viewed on the party’s website.

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