Federal faces talk transport

Federal faces talk transport

Federal Opposition spokesperson for infrastructure Anthony Albanese and Member for Melbourne Ports Michael Danby staged a public forum this month to discuss local public transport issues.

An impressive turnout of more than 100 gathered at the Sts Peter and Paul Old School Hall in South Melbourne for the lunchtime forum on Friday, February 5, as locals quizzed both men about the state of public transport in our area.

Transport issues canvassed included the future redevelopment of Fishermans Bend, the light rail network, cycling infrastructure and the growing population of the inner city.

While neither man is currently in government, they both assured the audience that it was working closely with the Labor State Government to help deliver important Victorian infrastructure projects such as the Melbourne Metro Rail.

Mr Danby told the audience that the Turnbull Government wasn’t helping the situation by only providing Victoria with 8 per cent of the national infrastructure budget.

“This disparity in funding is an injustice and it can’t stand it’s just not sustainable,” he said. “We need to push the agenda of public transport consumers in Victoria.”

Port Phillip Cr Anita Horvath, who is responsible for the Emerald Hill Ward and ultimately the Montague Precinct of Fishermans Bend, quizzed both men from the audience whether they would commit to increasing transport to the area.

With over 7000 apartments already approved for Montague, of which a large part is in Southbank, she said the need to address congestion in the area was becoming increasingly urgent.

While Mr Albanese said he wouldn’t commit a dollar figure to addressing the issue, he said it was high on his party’s infrastructure agenda.

“Properly planned areas such as Fishermans Bend need to be engaged with public transport and social infrastructure,” he said.

“You can’t solve the problem with motor cars when a population of 8 million is projected.”

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