Evening News at the NGV


Since relaunching as Evening News, the Melbourne based instrumental dance group formerly known as Beatnik Collective graduated from house-orientated grooves to a jazz and drum-and-base informed fusion of dark synth realms and psychedelic pop.

“You can get lost in a euphoric synth melody and also dance to it,” describes Winton Findlay — synth player with Evening News. “And then also think about your existential existence at the same time.”

Woven together from varying musical backgrounds and influences, the four-piece band comprising of Dan Rock (Bass Guitar), Miles Henry (Drums), Christy Wositzky-Jones (Keys), and Winton Findlay (Synth), comes together in a deft and symbiotic exploration of sound.

“I love working with the other musicians. Everyone comes from a very different musical background,” Findlay said. “It’s quite an eclectic adventurous sound.”

Live Grateful-Dead-esq improvisations are central to Evening News performances, with aural nods to Aphex Twin and Squarepusher.

“Everyone’s really good at improvising in the band, sometimes we actually reign it in to make sure we play the song.” Of their upcoming gig at the NGV as a part of the Friday Nights program, Findlay said, “there’ll be a bit of that going on for sure.”

NGV Fridays. Photography: Michael Pham.


Findlay joked that the band name was inspired by coming home after a long night, turning on late-night news and seeing the recap of a golf-tournament.

“You’re just sitting there watching that ball fly through the air … [Golf tournaments] are one of the more exciting dramatic sporting events on the planet. We’re also striving to be exciting and dramatic,” he laughed.  

However, on a more serious note, Findlay said that when the band played live, they had a “point to prove.”

“Miles the drummer is always pushing to sound like a band that you haven’t seen before. We think ‘what are we not seeing when we’re going to gigs in Melbourne?’ and try and be more like that,” he said.


In terms of what you’re playing, the integrity of your music, it has to be newness.


Evening News are soon to release their debut EP, and are playing at the NGV on Friday, August 18.  

The full NGV Friday Nights series program can be found here: ngv.vic.gov.au/friday-nights/

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