

Southbank resident Wendy Grenfell has built a career out of inspiring and motivating others to realise their full potential.

Having started her career as a primary and secondary school teacher for 10 years, Wendy would later transition into the field of corporate training and human resources where she worked in various industries and business schools across the world.

While building a decorated career in her specialised field, she told Southbank Local News that five years ago, she had reached a point where an urgent change was needed.  

“I really had that ‘take your job and shove it’ moment where I just really felt things needed to change but in a different way,” she said.

“It’s like that idea where you can’t change if you’re a part of the problem and as an internal employee I politically had to navigate certain worlds so it was difficult for me to help change the world.”

After realising her own true potential, the former Williamstown resident established her own business Elgin Hall School of Modern Leadership, which she currently runs from her Southbank apartment on Kavanagh St through Google Hangouts.

The business, which specialises in personalised business coaching, training and mentoring for talented individuals or corporate groups from all over the world, has proven to be a resounding success.  

“My focus is really exceptional and talented professionals so it’s really those ones who get to 80 per cent in their career and they’re doing well when all of a sudden they hit a wall,” she said.

“It’s sort of like elite athletes. They know there’s a wall there and their coaches help them to get over it but talented professionals in workplaces don’t know that same wall is there for them.”

Working with a broad range of ages and backgrounds, Wendy said the most satisfying part of her role was being able to provide people with a personalised education.

And given her unwavering ability to constantly help inspire others, Southbank Local News was curious to find out who Wendy’s biggest inspiration was …

“Richard Branson is definitely my main inspiration at the moment actually because he’s a watered down version of the American entrepreneurial spirit more done in an Australian cultural way.”

“I was lucky enough to work at his centre for entrepreneurship in South Africa a few years ago with his start up entrepreneurs for a week and we worked at his centre and then we went into a game reserve for three nights,” she said.

With a daughter studying at Monash Clayton and a son at the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School in Southbank, Wendy said the location had provided an ideal base for both her and her children.

Having enjoyed living and working in Southbank for nearly two years now, she said she had no plans to leave the area anytime soon.

“Just being in Southbank around arts and high performance is very inspiring, which is probably another reason why we chose Kavanagh St because at one end of our apartment is the Arts Precinct and at the other you’ve got Boyd,” she said.

“I’m very lucky that my business is based in Southbank as it’s a great centre to empower people from. It’s a wonderful environment that helps motivate me to empower others.”

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