Columns » Federal MP

Once again the Formula 1 Grand Prix season is almost upon us

Once again the Formula 1 Grand Prix season is almost upon us

March 9th, 2018 - Southbank News

Having now been held in Albert Park since 1996, and with the level of opposition to the event from plenty of people in the community, I’m surprised we’re still debating its merit.


Embracing our past

February 9th, 2018 - Michael Danby

Ports has a rich history.

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Marriage equality passes Parliament

December 14th, 2017 - Southbank News

Thursday, December 7 was an historic day, a day where freedoms that were available to heterosexual adults were made available to all Australian adults.

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Maintaining commercial ties with China

November 10th, 2017 - Michael Danby

In dealing with an authoritarian foreign power like China, Australia needs to balance commercial interests with both our national security and democratic ethos.

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Terror we can avoid

October 13th, 2017 - Southbank News

Last month one of Australia’s leading National Security experts from the Canberra think tank ASPI (Australian Strategic Policy Institute), Anthony Bergin raised concerns that are of vital importance to many in Southbank.

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Marriage equality – Let’s get it done

September 8th, 2017 - Southbank News

The Bureau of Statistics (ABS) postal opinion survey on marriage equality is not what Australians wanted, envisaged or expected. It was not even part of the Coalitions policy last election. Even 80 per cent of the ABS staff think they are not up to it.

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Defending human rights

August 11th, 2017 - Southbank News

I’ve served in Federal Parliament for 20 years and have always been at the forefront supporting international human rights. The petition I organised for the release of Malaysian Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim drew 62 Australian MP’s signatures.

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Explanation of NBN card mailout

July 14th, 2017 - Southbank News

With vast amounts of money being spent on television advertising for “Gen NBN” it is little wonder my office has been receiving many queries regarding the promised service, which we have been promised but have not been delivered.

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Turnbull cuts to Catholic education

June 6th, 2017 - Southbank News

 “… now Education Minister Simon Birmingham, sounding like an Australian Teachers Federation official from the early 1970s, is aligned with the green-left activists of The Age to demomise the Catholic education authorities.Oyvey!”

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Turnbull short-changing

May 12th, 2017 - Southbank News

Victoria In the 12 months leading up to June 2016, the Bureau of Statistics has estimated that close to a third of Australia’s population growth has settled in Melbourne.

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Parliament, not a plebiscite, for marriage equality

October 7th, 2016 - Michael Danby

Marriage equality is a right whose time has come. 

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Dachshund dress up for Oktoberfest

Dachshund dress up for Oktoberfest

October 12th, 2017 - Southbank News
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