CEOs prepare for night out in the cold

CEOs prepare for night out in the cold

Carrera Partners CEO John Davies is pulling out his winter warmers as he prepares to spend a long cold night, all for a good cause.

Mr Davies is one of several CEOs from Southbank-based companies taking part in the St Vinnies CEO Sleepout on June 20.

Now in its third year, the Sleepout at Etihad Stadium in Docklands is an initiative that gives CEOs a real perspective on the trouble homeless people face on a daily basis and Mr Davies is looking forward to the real life experience.

“I’m doing it just to make a small difference. The best way to make a small difference is to experience what the homeless people go though,” Mr Davies said.

He also explained that he was happy to take part in what was a novel awareness raising campaign, compared with just asking for money.

“I’m lucky to only be doing it for one night, but I expect it to be a wake up call of what these people face,” he added.  “I believe everyone should have a home to go to at night.”

Mr Davies also explained how his company had supported many other charities in the past, and it was great to be able to add another to the list.

St Vincent de Paul Society Victorian president, Tony Tome, said the idea of the Sleepout had really struck a chord and had become one of its most impactful initiatives.

“It’s hard to understand just how challenging it is for the 22,000 Victorians sleeping rough every night, however the Vinnies CEO Sleepout provides business and community leaders with a small glimpse of life out in the cold,” Mr Tome said.

“This event not only raises vital funds to support our homelessness services, it puts the spotlight on the issue to remind us that it’s everyone’s responsibility,” he added.

“No child, woman or man should be living in such dire conditions, and the support of our business community is key to driving the charge against homlessness.”

After what promises to be a long night, it seems Mr Davies isn’t looking forward to thr recovery, saying: “I might take a few hours off work the next morning!”

To find out more about the CEO Sleepout or to sponsor Mr Davies or any other CEOs, head to its website

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