Businesses in Southbank

Businesses in Southbank

With more than 12 years experience in the car wash industry, owner Naresh Kumar has built a reputation on putting special care into every vehicle.

While having only recently taken over the business six months ago, Mr Kumar said he has made it a priority to continue delivering outstanding service to the local area.

“The Carrera Car Wash here in South Melbourne has been operating for 20 years, so there is a very good history with the customers,” he said.

“This car wash is special because unlike a normal hand car wash, every car gets fresh soap instead of having a bucket full of soap in the morning until evening washing 100 cars.”

“Even after 10 cars the soap gets dirty and dust goes in there, which can scratch the cars as well.”

Mr Kumar said Carrera Car Wash uses a spray gun, which dispenses a fresh high-quality Belgian soap on each individual car.

Using tested and certified spray on clothes and hand polish products from its award-winning supplier, he said every car receives the best possible care without the use of harsh chemicals.

“The use of chemicals can harm the cars, whether it be the wheels or any part of the car including the interior,” he said.

“We also have a special triple interceptor, where we clarify the soap before it goes into the drains, so it’s all very safe for the environment as well.”

Mr Kumar said all staff members who are hired go through strict training measures, to ensure the highest level of professionalism is maintained.

“The team that is working here is very qualified in all aspects of what we do here,” he said.

“We are sometimes dealing with $200,000 cars – everyone who works here has to be very well trained before they can go anywhere near a car so they know what they’re doing.”

While their cars are being detailed, customers can unwind at Carrera Car Wash’s cafe, which comes equipped with free Wi-Fi and even massage chairs.

While having only operated in the area for a short time, Naresh said he and his team have quickly established a great relationship with the locals.

“People are really very relaxed here and they really love their cars,” he said.

“They come, they give you keys, tell you stories and wait with no fuss!”

Carrera Car Wash is located at 160/164 Montague St, South Melbourne.

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